Kiosk Guides for Learning

There is occasions and causes
why and wherefore
in all things
Wm Shakespeare,
English poet/playwright

Testing with success series

Anticipating test content

Pay particular attention to any study guides
that the instructor hands out in class before the exam, or even at the beginning of the course! For example: key points, particular chapters or parts of chapters, handouts, etc.

Ask the instructor what to anticipate on the test
if he/she does not volunteer the information

Pay particular attention--just prior to the exam--
to points the instructor brings up during class lectures

Generate a list of possible questions
you would ask if you were making the exam, then see if you can answer the questions

Review previous tests
graded by the instructor

Confer with other students
to predict what will be on the test

Pay particular attention to clues
that indicate an instructor might test for a particular idea, as when an instructor:

  • says something more than once
  • writes/projects material on a board
  • pauses to review notes
  • asks questions of the class
  • says, "This will be on the test!"
Includes information adapted from On Becoming a Master Student by David B. Ellis and How to Study in College by Walter Pauk
Test taking strategies

Mastering one test | General test preparation | Anticipating test content |
Review tools for tests | Overcoming test anxiety | Organizing for test taking | Cramming | Emergency test preparation