Kiosk Guides for Learning

My spelling Wobbly.
It's good spelling but it Wobbles,
and the letters get in the wrong places. Winnie-the-Pooh British, 1926
A. A. Milne
1882 – 1956, English author
Winnie-the-Poo, 1926

Vocabulary and spelling series

American spelling exercises:
"y" with suffixes

When "y" is the last letter in a word and the "y" is preceded by a consonant,
change the "y" to "i" before adding any suffix except those beginning with "i"

Examples: beauty--beautiful; fry--fries; hurry--hurried; lady--ladies
Try spelling these:


carry + ed =


fancy + ful =


pry + ed =

When a word ends with a "y" and is preceded by a vowel,
to form the plural of its noun,
or to form the third person singular (he, she, it) of its verb,
add "s"

Examples:  toy--toys; play--plays; monkey--monkeys


deploy + s =


 tray + s =


 bey + s =

Write "i" before "e" except after "c," or when sounding like "a" as in "neighbor" and "weigh." When the "ie/ei" combination is not pronounced "ee," it is usually spelled "ei."

Examples: fiery, friend, mischief, view, believe

Examples: reign, foreign, weigh, neighbor, weird, receive

Choosing between <-el> <-le> <-ile> <-al> <-il>
Options must be memorized, and no rules apply:

<-le> is more frequent than <-el>:
axle, battle, bottle, tackle, tickle, single, double, triple...
angel, bushel, parcel...

<-al> is common for adjectives and nouns
biblical, burial, genial, habitual...

<-il> is rare: civil

Vocabulary and spelling guides

Transitional words & phrases | More transitions |
Essay terms and directives | Modifiers & commas | Plurals |
Spelling rules & exercises | Common misspelled words |
There - They're - Their | Too - Two - To | "Y" with suffixes |
Prefixes and root words | Suffixes and silent "e"American alphabet recited