The first thing obvious to children is what is
William Penn, 1644 – 1718 American Quaker
Classroom learning series
Paying attention in the classroom
If you have difficulty paying attention to what is happening in
your classrooms,
Think ahead: anticipate the main ideas of the coming lecture. Look over your notes of the previous lecture and read the course
material. Prepare a few questions you expect to be
answered If you have questions about material from the
previous class or text, ask the instructor before class about
Resist distractions by sitting in front of
the room away from disruptive classmates and by focusing on the
instructor through
active listening and
note taking
Put yourself in the "mood" with attentive
expression and posture; do not sprawl
Shift position in your seat every so often Shifting on
occasion will help keep your
blood circulating, send more oxygen to your brain, and help you
remain alert
When appropriate: ask a question, ask for more clarity,
or engage an instructor and the class in dialogue
Train yourself not to give in to distractions
The Spider Technique Hold a vibrating tuning fork next to a spider web. The spider
will react and come looking for what is vibrating the web. Do it
several times and the spider "wises up" and knows there's no bug and
doesn't come looking.
You can learn that. When someone enters the room, or when a
door slams, do not allow yourself to be distracted. Keep your
concentration on what's in front of you.
Form a tunnel between you and the lecturer
Practice letting people move or cough without having to look
at them - just let them "be out there" as you focus on what is
being taught
When talking with someone, keep your attention on that
person, look at his face, and note what is being said. Let the
rest of the world just be "out there."
Use the Be here
now technique to help you keep concentration when you
become distracted.