Kiosk Guides for Learning

Yesterday is but
today's memory,
tomorrow is today's dream.
Kahlil Gibran, 1883 - 1931
Lebanese American poet

Guides for memorizing series

Memorizing using rhyme-keys

Memorizing using rhyme-keys: for ordered or unordered lists
First, memorize key words that can be associated with numbers.

example: bun = one; shoe = two, tree = three, door = four, hive = five, etc.
Create an image of the items you need to remember with key words.

Four basic food groups-- diary products; meat, fish, and poultry; grains; and fruit and vegetables

Think of cheese on a bun (one), livestock with shoes on (two),
a sack of grain suspended in a tree (three), a door to a room stocked with fruits and vegetables (four)

The object to rhyme-keys is to build associations and images with numbers and key rhyming words. This image in turn helps you remember the target word. It takes practice, and the trick is to not remember the rhyme but the association!

Memorization techniques:

Acronyms | Acrostics | Rhymes | Loci | Keywords | Image-naming | Chaining

More helpful thought processing guides:

Concentrating | Thinking critically | Thinking creatively | Radical thinking |
Thinking aloud/private speech | Mind/concept mapping | Thinking like a genius

Poem/acronym Garbage 2002 contributed by Bruce Lansky,